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<–Content and Publishing – Disclaimer–>

we not takes any warranty and guarantee for the published content, if you ask for data publishing potential. we just brings some content through, which all things are already available on the internet and media group. and if we clearify what are the best for the analysis and opinion for peoples and public. which media is processing the news in the trends commonly, and what their public opinion and knowledge through us, we shares. we only puts the data and post through some proofs and videos, but never posts regarding racism, fascism, anti-religion, anti-government, and anti-civilians. if you seeing these kinds of proposal on the our web, just connect with us in touch. We can only tell according to the education, what we share, but we can not go against anything, what is wrong, what is right? It’s you can think. we just erase that confused in their people, which they don’t know about, how do and why do. we share that knowledge for person who cause trying to get it , want to get that.

<–Copyright Policy : Disclaimer–>

our copyright rules at not post third party content, we can’t publish on our website, and we want to protect our website which may victim of copyright content. some options we shows you, what you can do to not publish your posts content from our website.

1. if you see there is some copyright words, article and images, then you can contact-us through your side. we will happy to replay your situation, we will erase some presents.

2. Images is just follow by our team at the images copyright and privacy, we follow some feedback who calls him, “that is the copyright images”. and we follow the reliable action instant at their policy. and we use some verified and credit images of terms, that not against anyone’s hard work. if you don’t to permit us to use credit posts, images, we will make your policy realise, will instantly takes decision.

Some on the way, we every time releasing new and latest “Disclaimer” and “statements”. it is properly written by rkmtimes, do that follow and stay alerted. our mission is running for truth.

Last Updated:24-Aug-2020