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US Government sells $1 Billion Worth Bitcoins, SEC Crash Bitcoin and Bitcoin ETFs : Bitcoin News

Why SEC, US Congress and US Governemnt sells huge Bitcoin?, Why SEC and US Government sell Bitcoin which was seized from Silk Road, Bitcoin Whales, and Top Bitcoin Holders?, SEC and BlackRock Buying upto 50% Bitcoin Supply, Why SEC and US Government need 50% Dominance in Bitcoin Marketcap?, BitcoinETFs VS Silk Road Bitcoin.


Recently, there is a competition to sell Bitcoin and Silk Road-related Bitcoin. Because US government has just started selling about $140 USD worth of bitcoins which were seized from Silk Road in 2020. The US government has sold Millions of nearly Billions of USD worth of Bitcoin to the US Government in the last few years and there are many sources that the US Government still has Billions of USD worth of Bitcoin. Because the US Government has sold a lot of Bitcoin in the bullish month of Bitcoin, but for now everyone is concerned about how many Bitcoins the US Government finally got which they seized from Silk Road. Because that government has sold billions of USD worth of bitcoins in the last 2 years in the name of Silk Road. Now it seems that in the future many more Bitcoin Whales, Bitcoin Maxi, Bitcoin Traders, and top bitcoin wallet owners are also planning to seize Bitcoin like Silk Road. The process to seize Bitcoin by the US government is still ongoing on and if any Bitcoin holder sells Bitcoin worth a minimum $1 Billion or $100M USD, the SEC or the US Government can do so.

Why SEC and US Government sell Bitcoin which was seized from Silk Road, Bitcoin Whales, and Top Bitcoin Holders?

By the way, after Bitcoin became famous, the government always sold thousands of bitcoins in the name of Silk Road, but actually, it is something else. After the Silk Road, a lot of Bitcoins have come to US governments like Siezed, FTX Crash, Luna Crash, Bitcoin Whales, Bitcoin traders, and people with financial losses. And in such a situation, the SEC and US Government will also do this to gain dominance of almost 50% in Bitcoin, till then all the investors of the world will be in losses and Bitcoin will also go out of their hands. After all this, SEC will get the best dominance, due to which they will be able to capture 60% to 80% of the world of Web3, DeFi, and Crypto. And they also have approximately 20,000+ Bitcoins in their possession and they say that billions of USD worth of trades are going on under the SEC and US Government. Not only the SEC and US Government want to destroy the market by selling bitcoin. But SEC and the Government want US dominance on Bitcoin and DeFi to remain up to 50%. For now, only there is a chance for the SEC and the US government to get bitcoins and Silk Road bitcoins. Similarly, US Bitcoin Backed Stock, BlackRock Bitcoin Trust, and SEC have also benefited from Bitcoin ETFs due to which the US Government has the power to make huge moves in Bitcoin. And it is possible that if the Bitcoin funds that BlackRock and Grayscale have just received, there is an outflow, then the SEC and that government could increase Bitcoin sales. Because the US Congress and the US Government can always play any game with Bitcoin to improve the underlying Bitcoin benefits and interests.

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