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SEC postponed BitcoinETFs to year 2024 for the all Assets Under managments : Bitcoin Spot & BitcoinETFs

Why SEC postpone BitcoinETF approve applications? Top bankrupt assets under management and banks are looking to buy Bitcoin for the future, Top Assets Under Management may have failed to get BitcoinETFs immediately or under 1 year. When SEC will approve all the BitcoinETFs of All AUMs?, Why do US Congressmen need Bitcoin ETFs in 2024?, SEC has decided that ARK21 Shares, BlackRock, and Fidelity support for the Bitcoin Spot trading ETFs will be postponed until the Q1 of the Year 2024, BitcoinETFs in 2024.


In an SEC decision, we also saw new developing news for the Bitcoin Spot & Bitcoin ETFs to accept Bitcoin and crypto. In the next year 2024, the SEC to adopt Bitcoin for large investments, digital merchants, and long-term investments, to make an international currency instead of USD dominance. Recently, the SEC has decided that ARK21 Shares, BlackRock, and Fidelity support for the Bitcoin Spot trading ETFs will be postponed until the Q1 of the Year 2024. The SEC congress members are pressuring Gary Gensler to adopt or allow BitcoinETFs, for the FUTURES and Spot Trading to provide new investing opportunities for all of their users and bank’s top investors of Institutions.

Top bankrupt assets under management and banks are looking to buy Bitcoin for the future.

Most of small traders of Bitcoin and Crypto are looking to buy the dip of the current market to get the big bounce rate of investing and portfolios of investments to reach a new profit. US top bankruptcy banks and AUMs are planning to buy new investing, digital, and internet currency to secure their funds and currency craze of investors to get the most profit for long-term holdings. Buying Bitcoin may save Billion of USD in tax on their wealth and worth of banking systems. World’s top Franklin Templeton holding company to adopt bitcoin, merchants, and holdings of customer’s funds for making new opportunities for the traders, holders, and cryptography technology interests.

Top Assets Under Management may have failed to get BitcoinETFs immediately or under 1 year. When SEC will approve all the BitcoinETFs of All AUMs?

Assets Under Management is looking to have BitcoinETFs for months or as soon as possible to get the SEC’s last approval of Bitcoin Spots and BitcoinETFs trading facilities to offer the new technology. Bitcoin become a new world’s top decentralized payment solution for the largest funds and smallest funds with Bitcoin Lightning Network to adopt the new Merchant facilities for all traders and investors of Bitcoin across the world. In the recent scam of Gary Gensler and top bitcoin’s stable prices, most investors and top banks see Bitcoin may reach $150K in 2024, and there are no more reasons to reject BitcoinETFs which filled in the past 1 year. 

Why do US Congressmen need Bitcoin ETFs in 2024?

These Four US Congressmen demanding BitcoinETFs for all Banks, and AUMs (Assets Under Management) to offer Crypto facilities to all of their new investing strategies to become the most profitable investments of the future by investing in Bitcoin Bearish Months.

In the whole SEC members and US Congress’s decision on Bitcoin can’t be back to reject the application of the largest banks and AUMs, Because Bitcoin become a political, financial and investing of the US like Stocks and Gold in the past 30 years. SEC thoughts if they accept Bitcoin and Crypto, they will get a historical loss in Stocks and bonds and may face the biggest Financial crises. SEC planning to accept Bitcoin via some official centralized ways like Connecting Stocks/Bitcoin, Bond/Stocks, and some funds to Bitcoin to secure and trade Stocks via Bitcoin instead of USD and Fiat.

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