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Claim your money back from WazirX by March 2025, Dubai acquires WazirX and ByBit hack

Dubai Bank buying WazirX, nischal shetty requested for emergency loan for Wazir claim, re-claim your Crypto assets on the WazirX, Crypto Loan for WazirX loan, banks and Indian Government. WazirX crypto settlememt by 2025.


Currently, in the hack of Bybit, approximately $1.4 billion worth of crypto assets were stolen in which the CEO of Bybit promised to keep the funds of all ByBit users safe through a collateral loan of 1.9 Billion USD after which ByBit bought ETH worth $500million USD. Currently, WazirX is ​​also trying to take a loan of $100M+, which is going to give almost the first 50% claim to WazirX investors in the future, just like FTX and ByBit did recently.  The WazirX Claim Review process is the first step in the Scheme process, and it allows users to file a dispute about their Claim amounts if needed.

How to re-claim your Crypto assets on the WazirX crypto exchange?

Through the WazirX and KIS platforms, users can submit their Claim Disputes, provide valid proof, and have their requests reviewed by the Independent Assessor. If approved, the corrections will be updated in their portfolio, ensuring accuracy and fairness in the restructuring process. Please note that this step is optional and you will not need to take any action if you are satisfied with your portfolio shown. WazirX, Binance, and KIS jointly working to offer re-claim funds of the WazirX crypto exchange. If you have Millions of USD worth of Crypto assets shown in WazirX exchanges. Same to WazirX if it has taken some loans from its rival crypto exchanges. This made it possible that in the future, apart from the WazirX exchange, a big rival exchange, banks, and institutional investment can also come. But if in 2025 no bank, crypto exchange or institutional fund agrees to give loan to WazirX then WazirX investors may face big losses in the future.

WazirX allows a new Claim Review Process in your country with KIS and ID verification.

  • An Action Card for the Claim Review process is available on the WazirX homepage for easy access.
  • Upon clicking the card, a new page opens to explain the Claim Review process concisely.
  • Users must provide consent to share their data with KIS (Kroll Information Services) to proceed further, ensuring compliance with privacy guidelines.
  • Once consent is given, users can click “Agree and Continue,” which redirects them to the KIS portal to access the Claim Dispute Form.
  • During the redirection, WazirX will securely share the following user details with KIS:
    • Unique ID (UUID)
    • Email ID
    • Name
    • Claim Amount (in USD)
    • Token-wise breakdown as of 18 July 2025 1 PM IST (in USD)

WazirX preparing to get collateral loans and Secure Crypto assets backed loans to WazirX claims in 2025.

Currently, WazirX has tried for emergency loans from top banks which will be more than $100M+ in the future because there is worldwide pressure and dispute on WazirX. Recently, we have been told that Binance is now ready to give a loan to WazirX but recently after the hack of ByBit, Binance has now given an emergency loan to ByBit. WazirX CEO requested multiple UAE-based crypto exchanges, banks, lending platforms, and Crypto Banks to receive 100M+ to restore all funds of clients and users. WazirX plans to create new ‘Crypto Settlement‘ programs to settle the crypto investors with 25% to 50% down prices to re-open WazirX or close India’s biggest Crypto Exchange. WazirX screws your rebalancing and profits fewer assets in WazirX to offer to stake and lock cryptos to attract new investors of cryptocurrencies. WazirX launching a Scheme approval to get Loan Approval and the possibility of future recoveries.

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