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Top Politicians and US Congress are buying NVIDIA call Options, Stocks for the Year 2024 : US Stock Market

Why nvda stocks reach $1000 in 2024, Why do US Politicians do option trading on Call for NVIDIA ($NVDA)? NVIDIA call Options, US Stock Market, nvda stock become world’s top profitable, Top investors of NVIDIA Stocks including US Congress, US Politicians, Stock Market Traders.


Recently, after Nancy Pelosi, many US Congress members, US Politicians, and Stock Market traders have started buying Call Options of NVIDIA ($NVDA) which now seems to keep NVIDIA’s share in the top 5 for the long term. Because in the past few years, US politicians have bought stocks and options trading of top 10 companies, but in 2024, top investors, politicians, and governments of the US and Europe will now trade stocks, and options on shares of NVIDIA ($NVDA). And want to hold top Options Trading for the long term to earn massive profits. But some US politicians do Put Options trading and many do Call Options trading in which Company and Stock traders get a lot of profit and that too in a very short time.

why do US Politicians do option trading on Call for NVIDIA ($NVDA)?

Due to these steps by all US politicians, now SEC, US Congress, and big companies can also start doing Short/Long trade. NVIDIA’s stock has seen a big rise and fall in $NVDA stocks and FUTURE trades after Christmas. And it is possible that NVIDIA’s shares can go up to almost $1000 USD in the long-term i.e. by mid-months of 2024 and NVIDIA CALL OPTIONS can give much bigger growth and profit. You can guess that NVIDIA Stock’s growth, technology, and the future can become the father of the future. Nvidia Stocks from the last year to yet grown approximately 4X profitable and most of the investors at $150 USD price of $NVDA per share earned most of the profit in FUTURES, Call Options, and daily trading in the United States. In the future, NVIDIA companies will become the world’s top 5 as top gaming, entertainment, development, and technology companies will buy more stocks and chips of NVDA companies.

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