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Syria receives Russian Su-35 fighter Jets against NATO terrorists in Aleppo

Iran could withdraw IRGC from Norther Syria to avoid War against Turkey, Syrian Rebel Forces, Russia sending troops and Su-35 Fighter Jets to Syria.


Recently, we have been told that Syrian President Basher-Al-Assad has visited Moscow in which it has been told that now Russia will give Syria top advanced arms, weapons, and fighter jets which will directly attack Syrian Rebel Forces and Turkish backed terrorist groups. But now it has been told that Turkey and NATO forces are supporting top terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and US-backed Syrian Rebels in the northern region of Syria in which Turkey has the biggest role. Accourding to Syrian or Russian Media, Turkey itself is helping ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Syrian Rebel Forces, and NATO-backed groups. But now it has been told that the Syrian President’s Moscow visit could be the biggest achievement for the Syrian Arab Army. Because Putin himself wanted a direct war between NATO and Russia in any country other than Ukraine. And now recently Russia and Syrian forces jointly conducted a major operation against Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and top Turkish-backed rebels. But now Russia and Syria can take big action against NATO and Syrian rebels and the Iranian IRGC can remain neutral in this war. Russian President Vladimir Putin Considered to Approve Su-35 and Multiple Kamikaze Drones Deal to Syria as an Aid to fight NATO backed Terrorist groups in Northern Syrian Regions.

Iran could withdraw IRGC from Northern and Western Syria to avoid a War against NATO and Turkey

Recently it has been reported that IRGC’s presence in Syria is deployed against Israeli Borders, Golan Heights, and Israel and not against Syria’s internally disputed territories. Iran wants relations between Turkey and Iran to remain good and this also benefits Russia and Syria as they can liberate the Northern Region. Currently, Iran has not yet made it clear that it is with Syrian Assad because Iran itself does not want to become a puppet of Russia along with NATO and Israel. For now Iran’s focus is on Gaza and Lebanon and they have said that Iran will not take any major action against Israel for now to make Gaza Ceasefire successful. But now it has been reported that Turkish Rebel Forces, Israeli and NATO armies can also attack Iranian-backed areas in the future. Because the mission of Iran inside Syria is to end the processes of Israel and the US and on the other hand, Turkey also has the mission to overthrow the Assad regime, on third hand Israel. now and NATO, and Russia also attack each other’s military positions in Northern Syria. So now every country is attacking each other in Syria for its own benefit but the Syrian President also wants that Foreign Interference needs to be eliminated from all the regions of Syria. And Russia also has the advantage that now Russia and Syria together are going to overthrow the connections of Turkey and NATO.

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