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Serbia may invade Kosovo by 2025, Albania Vs Serbia war in 2025 : Balkan wars

Why Kosovo’s Foreign Relations are stronger than Serbia’s?, Balkan wars 2025, Russia Vs NATO in Serbia Kosovo War, Israel Gaza War in Kosovo, China Vs US war in Serbia, top powerful balkan countries.


Recently some experts and defense analyses claim that there is a possibility of war between Kosovo and Serbia by 2025. Recently, there has been a feeling among some Kosovo and Serbian experts that Serbia may launch a large-scale attack on Northern Kosova in the coming future. However, among many countries, the difference in terms of war has been the biggest difference between Serbia and Serbia. but for now, Kosovo and Serbia have equal relations with France, Germany, Russia, China, Australia, NATO, the US, and the Middle East. But now if there is a war between Serbia and Kosovo in the future, then the war between Israel and Ukraine can now spread inside Europe as well. Due to this Albania, Kosova, Bosnia & Herzegovina can also take a turn towards one side. However, due to the Serbia and Kosovo conflict, North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina can also become part of this war, due to which there is a possibility of a major war in the entire Balkan region. Although Serbia has always been pro-Russia, and pro-NATO, with which all countries have relations, in wartime, the dynamics of this geography change. Because NATO countries believe that Serbia officially keeps its strong relations with Russia, China, and Germany, and on the other hand, Kosovo also keeps very close relations with EU’s France, the Middle East, Israel, NATO, Turkey, and Germany.

Why Kosovo’s Foreign Relations are stronger than Serbia’s?

Now the question in the minds of many people is whether the situation in Serbia has changed a lot and whether Serbia deals any of its arms with Russia and China. then Kosovo, Albania, and Bosnia & Herzegovina can also get a chance with the US, and Israel to improve our relations with NATO and the Middle East. Because for now, the relations between Serbia and Kosova are quite neutral with many countries of the world supporting both Serbia and Kosova. But if Russia and NATO choose between Serbia and Kosovar, then the Serbia vs Kosovo war will be a very long Balkan war. That is, no particular country will intervene in the war of Kosovo Vs Serbia, but if any big country intervenes like countries like Ukraine, Israel, and Azerbaijan, then their opposite countries can also intervene in the war of Kosovo Vs Serbia. As of now, Abdullah Hoti, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, and Aleksandar Vučić, the President of Serbia have signed a peace deal between the two countries, but if Serbia goes to war with Ukraine, Israel and Azerbaijan’s warzones will intervene here. However, for now, there is no specific possibility that Serbia will attack Kosovo but it could happen in the future if a landlocked border is not created between the two countries. Actually, there are many countries where no special border, visa, passport, or autonomous system has been made yet. Just as Ukraine, Gaza, Palestine, Kosovo, and Guyana are such countries that can easily jump into war.

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