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Is Saudi & UAE leaving G20? China developing a nuclear power plant for Riyadh

Saudi, Iran Vs G20 or BRICS? Iran Nuclear deal, Saudi Nuclear deal with China, Saudi Arabia spends billions of USD in BRICS countries to tie up, Nuclear weapons, satellites, missiles, and defense system Saudi Arabia, Middle East war, Russia-Ukraine War, top underground nuclear powered countries.


All countries are thought of becoming a member of the BRICS group to make new strategic partners with G20, NATO & G7 countries to deal with the biggest historical relationship with Saudi, Iran, UAE, and Turkey to develop their own Nuclear weapons, satellites, missiles, and defense system to secure the BRICS capital and spending billions of USD with their BRICS members countries like China, Russia, India, Iran, UAE, Ethiopia, Egypt, Brazil, and South Africa. Saudi Arabia can deal with Nuclear Plant development with China instead of the USA & Israel.

Russia and China are developing the Defense sector of Saudi Arabia to make it independent from the USA & Israel.

Saudi Arabia recently joined BRICS countries to develop new strategic things that they hadn’t with the USA, Israel, and EU countries. Russia might become an unbeatable partner of Saudi Arabia to make enough strategy with Chinese currency or upcoming BRICS countries. Russia, China, and Saudi are developing and might buy some aircraft, expanding defense in the Saudia borders to become an independent and nuclear-powered country.

Trump Vs Iran and Saudi Vs Israel & USA?

The Trump’s presidency, Saudi, Israel & USA were top friends in Middle Eastern countries to develop and make some future & top technology defense deals to increase their defense relations with each country, but born of BRICS Saudi Arabia is a first country to apply and become In the BRICS. Iran & Saudi’s Nuclear dream may be going to reach the final place with China to develop and deploy under the BRICS policy. In the G20, Saudi Arabia applied thoughts many times about Nuclear powers but during the nuclear deal in between Israel, Iran & USA that dream became a nightmare.

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