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Iranian President may resign, Israel-Iran War, IRGC Takeover Lebanon, Protest in Iran

iranian retaliation against israel, Masoud Pezeshkian failed, protest Against Pezeshkian in Iran, Iranian President may resign, Gaza and Lebanon War. IRGC takeover the Lebanon.


Currently, due to the Iranā€“Israel proxy war that has been going on for quite some time now, it is being reported that there are continuous protests on the streets of Iran against the current President of Iran, Masoud Pezeshkian. Due to this, it has been clearly stated that now even Masoud Pezeshkian has not been able to agree to normalization with Western countries. Currently, after the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, Pezeshkian has promised that he can strengthen his relations with the US and Western Countries again because he will not make any kind of retaliation against Israel. During this, a big debate also took place between Pezeshkian and IRGC, in which it is said that now IRGC and Khamenei also feel that Masoud Pezeshkian has not been able to strengthen its relations with Western countries. And after that recently Masoud Pezeshkian has openly said that the Western countries have betrayed Iran and now Iran may be ready to do anything for its existence and interest. Because now Iranian interests have suffered the biggest blow for the first time since the Syria War and Iran may have to take some big action. But it has just come to light that now, Masoud Pezeshkian may have to resign if Masoud Pezeshkian continues to remain silent about Israel. Secondly, if Masoud Pezeshkian resigns, Iranā€™s IRGC can take over Lebanon, Syria, and Iran, due to which Western countries can suffer a huge blow.

Masoud Pezeshkian failed normalization with Western Countries

Iran also did not attack Israel from the same angle because Iran believed that after normalization with Western countries, there would be a lot of attention on foreign aid to Israel and Israel would be criticized even outside the Western countries. But whatever Iranā€™s IRGC wants, it will do because after the killing of Hezbollah leader Nasrallah, now there is a danger of Israeli assassinations in Iran too. Israelā€™s targeting of Hezbollah, Houthis, and Iran is the biggest failure of Masoud Pezeshkian. But now it is being told that Masoud Pezeshkian can now resign from the Presidency of Iran. So now there is a possibility of a big meeting inside Iran and there will be a re-entry of pro-Iranian leaders who have already been served in IRGC and Iranian Commands. Recently, Khamenei had given the opportunity to Masoud Pezeshkian that Western countries should have diplomatic relations with Iran but now Iran has also accepted that there will be no ceasefire. So now Iran has a choice to attack Israel with missiles in retaliation for Ismail Haniyeh or to further strengthen Hezbollah and Hamas. Now Iran needs a pro-Iranian leader who, like Ebrahim Raisi, will attack Israel and force the West so that there can be a ceasefire in the conflict in the Middle East.

Biggest Failure of West and Israel, If Masoud Pezeshkian Resigns.

Ever since Masoud Pezeshkian became the President of Iran, Masoud Pezeshkian wants Iranā€™s relations with the US, West, and Middle Eastern countries to become stronger but now Masoud Pezeshkian has also admitted that Iran and the Westā€™s Friendship is not that easy. it is being said that now there will be no negotiations with Gaza and Israel and even if there are negotiations with Iran, it will be very difficult for Pezeshkian. On the other hand, Israel and the West also believe that if an IRGC servant again became President of Iran, the Lebanon war would prove to be a big mistake for Israel. Because a member of Iranā€™s IRGC becoming president would be as bad for Israel as Ebrahim Raisi. At the same time, Iran also knows that Iran will get that power only if the President of Iran is from any IRGC division.

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