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America’s Debt, Inflation Rate, and Interest rate may surge in 2024, top 10 countries with the highest debt in 2023

best gdp in US states, lowest GDP in US States, Why does FOMC increase the Interest Rate in USD?, Top 5 countries with the lowest Economy and highest Debt, banking charges, inflation rate, debt on the top lowest economy countries.


New data shows the United States has the world’s top debt of $33.33 Trillion which is more than 1.25X higher than the GDP and economy. US GDP per Capita is approximately $85,000 in top cities including New York, California, Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Washington. and most GDP per Capita in these States is below $50,000 in Vermont, Wyoming, Alaska, Rhode Island, Delaware, Mississippi, Kansas, Nevada, and the top states of the United States. The top economy of the US is approximately $30 Trillion and surged with the best performance ahead of China, But the US States and the American People still have the biggest GDP and Inflation rate with an all-time higher in the last 5 years.

Why does FOMC increase the Interest Rate in USD?

US civilians have has world’s highest debt on their country which is approximately above of Economy and GDP. US stocks are becoming more expensive but physical stuff like Food, Public Transport, Highest Income taxes, highest unemployment, and most of US civilians looking for another country to have jobs and employment. By the way, many countries have has largest Trillion of USD worth of debt which always higher than their GDP and Economy, But the US people have the most inflation experiance. US citizens are every time face new unemployment and loss of jobs because of robotics, AI and Machine workers. FOMC, CPI and all the recent announcements are came with new loss of citizens because they changed something to keep the market and USD strong against other fiats.

Top 5 countries with the lowest Economy and highest Debt

  1. USA (economy – $25 Trillion USD: Debt – $33 Trillion USD) high
  2. UK (economy – $3.5 Trillion USD: Debt – $8 Trillion USD) high
  3. France (economy – $2.95 Trillion USD: Debt – $7.5 Trillion USD) High
  4. Germany (economy – $4.2 Trillion USD: Debt – $6.2 Trillion USD) Average
  5. Japan (economy – $5.50 Trillion USD: Debt – $4.5 Trillion USD) low

Top 5 countries with the highest Economy and lowest Debt

  1. Columbia (economy – $350 Billion USD: Debt – $160b USD) lowest
  2. Pakistan (economy – $300 Billion USD: Debt – $122b USD) lowest
  3. Czech Republic (economy – $290 Billion USD: Debt – $138b USD) lowest
  4. Vietnam (economy – $449 Billion USD: Debt – $143b USD) lowest
  5. South Africa (economy – $550 Billion USD: Debt – $160b USD) lowest

Top developed countries have the largest amount of Debt on their civilians and from the part of GDP, may US, UK, France, Germany, Japan, and India may increase their forex and global trading gateways to increase the demand for currency and stocks. In the future, the US will increase Taxes, Banking Charges, and taxes.

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