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Afraid of India Alliance or Rename country to Bharat? Is Renaming Bharat, Insulting Columbus, History and Global Relations?

Why was India’s name changed to Bharat?, is it the biggest interference in the Constitution?, Why Bharat or India Become new controversy in India’s next election of 2024, Is Insulting Constitutions, I.N.D.I.A Alliance, British or American friendship in a change of Name India?, INDIA Alliance, Constitution, US, Bharat, Global Relations VS Modi.


The Indian constitution is going to change Article 1 to Change India as a Bharat to make new thoughts of Indian or Bhartiya. The BJP or the Ruler party of India, going to change the name of ‘India’ to ‘Bharat’, it has confirmed in a G20 letter. India’s Modi Government is changing the Name of the Country after the I.N.D.I.A Alliance opposition group in India called for One Nation, One Party, and One Opposition. It’s a question for the world and especially for India Britain & US named India after Christopher Columbus’s discovery of the name of the Indus River many years ago.

Why was India’s name changed to Bharat?, is it the biggest interference in the Constitution?

Modi in public events already told about ‘India’ to remove the English name of India to do ‘Bharat’ in few months ago. Is Insulting Constitutions, I.N.D.I.A Alliance, British or American friendship in a change of Name India? – By the way, India’s Bharat and India’s name are the oldest History of both India. In the history of India, the Bharat is the name of the Vedic tribes of Bharatas from historicals and the Name of the country’s ancient name in Sanskrit, India was the name of the Slavery colonial Raj of the British and Mughals. Also, the opposition is called ‘Bharat‘ as Molestation of the Constitution of India and Bharat is the name of Akhand Bharat was the largest incident in India. China, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Tibet, Bhutan, Afghanistan, and Maldives already objected to Akhand Bharat and its ideology.

Why Bharat or India Become new controversy in India’s next election of 2024.

By the way, India has largest relations with the name of India instead of Bharat and many Opposition protests against the name change in Modern India and interference of Constitutions. I.N.D.I.A is the world of Opposition and If India Alliance wins there will be a new controversy in the name of Bharat. May be Indian National ruling party may put new confirmations about Bharat to clearance in the global Name of Country. might in the coming of Election may cause confusion and raise a new question, Should Civilians vote for Bharat or India?

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